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A Few Golf Tips From Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is the undisputed king of professional golf. With a smooth technique you could set your watch by, he makes winning those championships look like a walk in the park. Imagine if you could sit with Tiger for a few minutes and pick his brain to help improve your game. Here are some great [...] Read more
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Should You Take Golf Lessons

If you have ever looked lonely onto a golf course and wished that you were capable of playing just as well as the professionals do, or if you have ever found yourself watching television wishing you could play along with them you may have the idea of golf lessons in your head. This is a [...] Read more
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Online Golf Tips

The internet can be considered as a treasure trove of information. Anything that you want to do research on, you could do it online. Gone are the days where people laboriously went through books to find information on various topics. The time has now come for computers to take over everything from the most complex [...] Read more
Category: Golf Tips
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Golf Teaching Your Child How To Play

More children are learning to play golf today than ever before. A big reason for this is Tiger Woods. He has taken the sport and popularized it among children of all ages. What used to be a boring game for kids to play has suddenly become increasingly popular. Children are now discovering what many adults [...] Read more
Category: Golf Tips

Finding The Right Golf Software

There are many ways to improve your gold swing when you are a beginner golfer. If you do not have the time to take lessons, purchasing software that records and gives you feedback can help you see mistakes you are making and offers solutions on how to correct them before they become habits that are [...] Read more
Category: Golf Tips